Showing News from 2014
Madison Clinic's First Shared Medical Appointment for Transtion Age Latino Youth
The Madison Clinic was very excited to pilot its first Shared Medical Appointment (SMA) for Transition Age Latino Youth from Spanish-speaking families on Saturday December 6, 2014 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Halloween at Madison
This Halloween, we decided to dress up as Dr. Adi, complete with Khaki colored pants, a missing belt, a cup of hot chocolate and a pastel polo shirt.
Care of Young Children with Diabetes in the Childcare Setting: ADA Position Paper
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) released a position statement about Care of Young Children with Diabetes in the Childcare Setting.
Dr. Adi's Ice Bucket Challenge
That's right. A nurse who is used to checking refrigerator temperatures made sure the ice water was in fact, ice cold. Brrrrr! Dr. Adi accepted the challenge. At least the sun was out! Here is the proof he is a good sport.
Madison Clinic Team at the Mission Bay Kick-Off Celebration!
On September 6, 2014, the Madison Clinic for Pediatric Diabetes formed a team to help the UCSF Medical Center's new hospital at Mission Bay. Out of 130 teams, the Madison Clinic raised over $10,000 and ranked 9th out of 130 teams!