Research Results

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Research helps us understand how to live well with diabetes and will eventually lead us to the cure.

Abatacept for Delay of Type 1 Diabetes Progression in Stage 1 Relatives at Risk: A Randomized, Double-Masked, Controlled Trial: Previous studies showed that inhibiting lymphocyte costimulation reduces declining β-cell function in individuals newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. We tested whether abatacept would delay or prevent progression of type 1 diabetes from normal glucose tolerance (NGT) to abnormal glucose tolerance (AGT) or to diabetes and the effects of treatment on immune and metabolic responses.

Click here to read the publication in Diabetes Care.


Imatinib therapy for patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial: Type 1 diabetes results from autoimmune-mediated destruction of β cells. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib might affect relevant immunological and metabolic pathways, and preclinical studies show that it reverses and prevents diabetes. Our aim was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of imatinib in preserving β-cell function in patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes.

Click here to read the publication in the Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol.


Teplizumab (Anti-CD3) Prevention Study: In addition to being able to accurately predict who is going to develop T1D, TrialNet has now found a way to delay it. This is an incredible advancement that gets us one step closer to our ultimate goal: a future without T1D.

  • This is the first study to show any drug can delay type 1 diabetes diagnosis a median of 2 years in people at high risk.
  • 72% of those in the placebo group were diagnosed with T1D, as compared with 43% of participants who received teplizumab.
  • On average, 35.9% of placebo treated participants developed T1D every year, as compared to 14.9% per year of those treated with teplizumab.

Click here to read the publication in the New England Journal of Medicine.


'Teplizumab improves and stabilizes beta cell function in antibody-positive high-risk individuals' study: The previous study findings showed that high risk individuals treated with teplizumab had a median 2-year delay in development of type 1 diabetes, as compared to those treated with placebo. (read the study)

  • After an additional year of follow-up, findings now show a difference of almost 3 years in the time to development of type 1 diabetes in the teplizumab group, as compared to the placebo group.
  • The median time to diabetes diagnosis for the teplizumab group was approximately 5 years (60 months) vs. approximately 2.3 years (27 months) in the placebo group. 
  • In addition to having even more pronounced disease delay, those treated with teplizumab showed improved rates of insulin production. Participants receiving a placebo continued to show a decline in insulin production consistent with disease advancement. 

Click here to read the publication in the Science Translational Medicine.