Leila Marks-Block

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Could not find a Solr index corresponding to your website and environment. Your subscription contains these indexes: DQUY-108526.prod.bchoutreach, DQUY-108526.dev.medctrpharm, DQUY-108526.dev.controller, DQUY-108526.prod.healthworkforce, DQUY-108526.prod.rnworkforce, DQUY-108526.prod.medctrpharm, DQUY-108526.prod.controller, DQUY-108526.dev.pharmacy, DQUY-108526.prod.supplychain, DQUY-108526.test.controller, DQUY-108526.prod.itsm, DQUY-108526.prod.myapex, DQUY-108526.prod.osrintranet, DQUY-108526.dev.datacenter, DQUY-108526.dev.omfs, DQUY-108526.prod.software, DQUY-108526.prod.datacenter, DQUY-108526.prod.websites, DQUY-108526.prod.bchsfoutreach, DQUY-108526.prod.spmanual, DQUY-108526.prod.pharmacy, DQUY-108526.prod.depression_center, DQUY-108526.prod.provost. To fix this problem, please read our documentation.


I grew up in San Francisco and received my B.A. from San Jose State University in 2013. I wanted to find a job where I could combine my administrative experience with my interest in health care.  As the Administrative Assistant/Scheduler at the Madison Clinic I am glad to be able to support the care of children and young adults as part of a dedicated team.  I learn something new every day which makes the job interesting and challenging.